LA – The Getty Centre

Our friend Sheryl took us to the Getty Centre for the day. It’s an extraordinary set of buildings set high up on a hill with stunning views of Los Angeles and the surrounding area (click on a picture to enlarge).

The architecture is beautiful. The buildings are very light in colour with clean lines.

The entrance hall has a superb installation by Mercedes Dorame entitled ‘Looking back’

Camille Claudel

A trailblazing woman artist working in France in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Camille Claudel defied the social expectations of her time to create forceful sculptures of the human form. Her innovative works of art treat the universal themes of childhood, old age, love, and loss with an expressive intensity in a variety of genres, materials, and scales. Collectors and critics immediately recognized Claudel’s talent, but today her art remains little known outside France.

Other works within the studios.

And further sculptures were to be found outside, down by the carpark.

The Getty also has a restaurant with wonderful views and delicious food. All in all a fantastic day.

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